


General questions

Why does my invoice say Imperfect Concepts Boutique, LLC vs KSYE?

Kick Start Your eCommerce is a DBA under the Imperfect Concepts Boutique, LLC family. I created the KSYE DBA in 2016 to operate under the ICB umbrella.

1. How Do I Book A Consultation?

Please see our Investments Page to inquire about working one on one with Tasha.

A form will be sent to us with all your important information. Please allow 48 hours for me to look over all the details. If selected to work together with I will send you an invoice that needs to be paid with 24hours. Finally, more documentation will be sent to you. The documentation includes is Next Step Guide, Business Assessment, Non-Disclosure Agreement, and contract.

2. Can I Prepay For A Session?

Please note when you purchase sessions they are not for later use. You must book for the current month. There is no way to purchase the sessions in advance, for instance, you are not able to use the sessions months or years later. If you are purchasing pack coaching sessions, those are scheduled to endure for the corresponding length of time, but that is in chronological succession, not as you pick and choose. One coaching session needs to be booked in the calendar month of purchase.

3. Are slots limited?

Yes, I am only taking 10 clients per month. This will include contract clients who agree to a term of three to six months.

4. Are there payment plan options?

No, we do not offer payment plans for consultations. All sessions must be paid in full at time of booking.

5. What can I expect from a session?

First and foremost, you expect brutal honesty. I do not believe in holding hands or sugar-coating it. That will make it harder for you to succeed in life, especially as a business owner. Depending on the package you select you will get all of my expertise. Be ready to learn, grow, and take a lot of notes.

6. Do you provide refunds on services or digital products?

Payment is nonrefundable or transferable.

All sales are final. No returns, exchanges, or refunds are permitted.

7. Who Designed Your Website?

It’s a WordPress Divi template that I had edited to my needs.

8. Do you offer digital products?

Yes, I will be adding all my previous digital products to the website and launching new content soon. You can shop digital products under the shop link in the menu bar.

9. If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood How Much Wood Could A Woodchuck Chuck?

I don’t know, but Google problem does.

10. I Wanna Work With You, But You're Booked & Busy. What Next?!?

That’s why lead funnels are important and necessary. When you submit your information you go into the funnel. Say, February is booked up, but I decided to open a spot. The first people who I will reach out to are my funnel people. Ps. Yup, I can teach you about a funnel pipeline too.

11. I Have A Very Niched Business. Are You Able To Work With Me?

When you submit your initial form from the website I will know immediately if I have that area of expertise. If not, I will let you know I am the consultant for you. I don’t waste people’s money or time. 

12. Do You Require A Deposit To Book A Session?

Yes, I have a one-time fee of $25 to book a consultation. This will guarantee your spot for the type of consultation you select.


Have any questions about my services or anything at all? Feel free to drop me a line in the contact form or email me at:

EMAIL: hi@tashamccoy.com

BUSINESS HOURS: Monday – Friday 9-5 CST

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